Closing of Lifeway

Well, we got the news today that we were praying would not come.  LifeWay in Newport News will be closing.  God, in His infinite plan, has this under control but it is still sad.  This is a ministry that I feel I have helped in and have enjoyed it very much.

But God is closing that door.  I know that God has reasons for everything and that when He closes a door, he always opens another one.  Our job is to obey and walk through that door.  We are to pray and seek His will as to what that is and He will, in His time, bring that to us.

I have worked with wonderful co-workers and will miss them very much, but we can still stay in touch and meet after LifeWay closes here.  I definitely plan to keep in touch with Wanda and meet her for lunch/dinner frequently.  With Social Media, I can also keep in touch with others from the staff.

I can think of 2 things that I think I will be working on.  First is my Stampin’ Up business.  I want to grow that and do workshops at peoples’ houses and at my house.

But the most important thing I am praying about is to open my home for Bible studies and facilitate them in my home.  I feel I can reach people that way that may not be reached through a church setting.

I plan to take the 3-day course on facilitating Bible Studies through Precept Ministries.  They are coming to Williamsburg in May and this is an opportunity to start walking through that door.

Do I understand why God is allowing this?  No!  Do I question it?  Yes!  But at the end of the day, there IS a reason and whether I ever know that reason or not makes not difference.  I am still to serve Him in any way that He brings into my path.

I pray that I and do this and glorify Him!

I thank Him for allowing me the opportunity to serve in this capacity for the last almost 2 years and as long as I am here on this earth I want to serve Him the best way I can.  To God be all the glory!

Proverbs 3:5-6 has always been my life verse and I cling to that today.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

Thoughts on My Mom

I was thinking of my Mom tonight and here are just  few things that came to mind.

She loved her family and was so excited whenever any of them came over.  She especially loved the grandchildren to come over.  She would play with them while they were there and talk with them.  They loved Grandma June.

When i would visit her she loved late night snacks (I know where I get that from).  She would knock on my door and ask if I wanted some Hot Chocolate and cookies.  I always said yes, even if I wasn’t hungry.  Those were special times.

I remember one time we had been to Morgantown, probably for one of her doctor’s appointments and had stopped at Cracker Barrell for lunch  I don’t remember what was said but both of us got so tickled and laughed so hard we almost couldn’t breathe.

We took her to Skylar, Virginia, to see the Walton’s house and look through the museum.  She loved it.  The Walton’s was one of her favorite shows.  She also loved to watch Judge Judy.  I don’t know that I ever understood why she liked that one, but we watched it everyday.

When we went to Walmart or Kroger, she would almost fight me to push the buggie!  So funny!

We would play this little game with the heat/air conditioner.  She liked it much warmer than I did.  I would turn it down and then she would turn it up.  Always had to have a fan in my room.

She loved her house on Boggess Street in Buckhannon.  The rest of us kids didn’t like it very much, just the way it was laid out, kind of strange.  But she loved it and that is what mattered.

She loved for Ron to come and visit with her.  She looked forward to his visits at Holbrooks.  He took such good care of her.  I don’t know what we would have done without him.

When I would visit her in the nursing home we would sit and color together.  I loved doing that with her.  I would also always bring her whatever she wanted for lunch.  She loved potato soup from The 88 Restaurant!

She looked forward to bingo every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.  I always had to wait until after bingo to come visit her or I had to come to bingo.

The staff at Holbrooks loved her so much!  She was a bright spot in their day.

Mom always looked for the good in people.  She rarely ever complained and didn’t have an enemy.

One time when I was visiting she went on her usual volunteering at Holbrooks (this was while she was still in her house).  She came right back and said she had a car accident as she crossed the bridge.  It was her fault so she got a ticket.  I remember going to the Magistrate’s office with her.  Quite a role reversal.

The June before she went into the nursing home we took her to Hawks Nest State Park and Babcock State Park.  Such a great time with Mom, Jeremy, Cindy, Amber Danny and I.  Remembering when she would take Jeremy, Cindy and Kayla there every summer when they visited her.

I remember camping out behind her trailer in Drennen by the Creek.  Such fun.

I remember Mother May I games with Jeremy, Cindy and Kayla.  Grandma Pearl would make sure they all finished at the same time.  But I must say Cindy was not a very good loser.

She loved her coffee and fixed it everyday and put it in a carafe for the day.  She is the one that got Jeremy started on coffee.

Mom was a very special lady, one of a kind!  I miss her so much, but I am so glad we have great memories!  As I think of them I am going to blog them so we have them for the future.


Father’s Day 2018 – My Daddy

Today is Father’s Day 2018, June 17, 2018.  I look back on my Dad who has been gone for over 29 years.  I can’t believe it has been that long and I miss him as much today as I did when he left us to go to heaven over 29 years ago.  But I was thinking about growing up and looking at pictures of growing up and I have a lot of really great memories.

I was born in 1951, just before he turned 22 years old.  We lived in Clendenin, West Virginia, and I was born in Charleston, West Virginia at Charleston General Hospital.  My dad and my Grandpa Pete had a small grocery market in Clendenin and we lived over top of the store.

Of course, I don’t personally “remember” those days but I see pictures and I was very much loved.  Daddy would take us out each Christmas Eve and when we came back, lo and behold, Santa Claus had come while we were gone.

My daddy would have “tea parties” with me and I have a picture of me feeding him at one of those “tea parties”.   He taught me how to ride a bike when we lived in Pomeroy, Ohio when I was in 1st grade.  He worked at Kroger as a Head Meat Cutter at that time and in the 1950’s, there was the “blue law” and stores were not open on Sundays but daddy would take us with him to check and make sure everything was okay with the refrigeration every Sunday.  We felt so special since no one else got to do that.

I remember when there was a flood in Pomeroy, he took us downtown to see the flood waters.  One time it as late night and dark and we were coming home and walking up the walk to the house.  All of a sudden, he grabbed me, pulled me back and grabbed my bike and started pounding the sidewalk!  We thought he had gone crazy.   Only then did we realize that he had saw a snake (turned out to be a copperhead) on the sidewalk and I would have stepped on it.  But he killed it with my bike!

In the summer after my 2nd grade year, we moved to Marietta, Ohio.  Dad and Mom were on a bowling league and we went with them and played while they bowled.  My sister and I were on a bowling league on Saturday mornings and one time I dropped the ball on my left thumb and broke it.  Daddy took me to the hospital where I was put in a case from my hand to my mid arm.  Not fun, but he was there.  My sister swallowed a sucker and was choking and he jumped up, grabbed her by her feet upside down and was shaking her and ran out the door.  Once again, we thought he had gone crazy.  Half way to the hospital it went down, but he spent the rest of the night picking splinters out of his feet from the wooden porch and leaving with no shoes.

He was not perfect by any means (after all he was human), but he loved us and took care of us.  I wish he had lived to be able to see Jeremy and Cindy grow up and become the wonderful Christian young men and women they have become and that they could have gotten to know him better.  Cindy doesn’t remember him I don’t think (she was 5 when he died and Jeremy was turning 7 two days after he died).

I love and miss him so much but I know I will see him again one day and then I will never have t say goodbye again.  Until then, Daddy, I love you!


Mother’s Day 2018

Well this year Mother’s Day was a very rough time.  So fresh from the homegoing of my Mom, everything reminded me of her.  To be able to talk to her one more time would be just an answer to prayer, and I know that prayer will be answered sometime when God either calls me home or calls His church all home.

But for now, I grieve.  Not as those who have no hope as I do have hope and that is what keeps me going.  I grieve because of selfish reasons as she is so much better off in heaven with Jesus and all her loved ones than here on this earth that seems to be on a tailspin downward. I grieve because I miss her more than I ever, ever thought was possible.  I grieve because of the things I wish I could have done with her but didn’t.  I grieve because of the fact that you always need your Mom.

But I also have HOPE.  One day I WILL see my Mom again and we will never, never, ever have to be separated.  We will spend eternity together praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

But I did have a good day.  I have wonderful children who love me and are sensitive to the loss as they miss her as much as I do.  Cindy and I went out to eat breakfast at Food Craft then I went to church with her at Crossroads.  We then went to Richmond and she took pictures for Kristie.  We went to Maymont Park and Belle Isle.  They were both beautiful places  Belle IsleCindy - LincolnCindy - Mom at Jimmy Johns eatingCindy and MomJeremy - Cindy - MomJimmy Johns - Cary Street RichmondJimmy JohnsI had a good day.  I will always miss Mom, but she would have wanted me to have fun and, as my friend Donna says, “make memories.  I wish I had done more of that in the past.  But I cannot think about that, all I can do is look to the future and enjoy every minute.

Then when I got home from Richmond, Jeremy and Amber were there and we had a very nice visit.  So I got to see both of my children and have a great day.



In looking back over my life and thinking of Mom, I have so many wonderful memories.  She was such a strong woman and dealt with life as it came to her, with dignity and treated everyone with respect.  You never heard her complain or talk negatively about anyone in any way.

My dad was not always the easiest person to get along with, but she did as long as she could.  When I was 14, they divorced.  In the 1960’s, this was not really accepted, people just put up with it.  But she did what she felt she had to to do to protect us.  Looking back, I cannot imagine how hard this was for her.

She was always involved in all of our activities and supported us in every way.  She had 3 jobs to keep food and a roof over our head.  Her regular 9-5 job as a bookkeeper for Mr. Hopkins, a part-time night job keeps books for Miller Pharmacy and a job on Saturdays at West Virginia Weslyan giving tests.  I know I never really understood the sacrifice and many hard and tiring days and nights she put in to do this.

In Marietta, Ohio, she was my brownie leader, in Buckhannon she helped with my Girl Scout troop.

I loved every minute I got to spend with her the last few years since Bill died.  We had such fun when I would visit when she had her house.  We would to shopping, out to eat and just visit.  Oh what I wouldn’t give for one more visit!

I know she is better off than any of us here as she is with Jesus and isn’t suffering any longer.  She is catching Grandma and Grandpa up on all that has happened since they went to heaven.  In the concept of heavenly time, we will be with them very soon.  Our live here is as it says in Hebrews, “just a vapor”.

Jesus help me as I go through all of these “firsts”.  I know that Mother’s Day will be very hard as well.  I am thankful for Jeremy and Cindy and want to spend as much time as I can with them.

Mom was one of a kind!  She was proud of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

I love you Mom and miss you so, so much!


My Birthday – April 19, 2018

Well, this has been one of my hardest birthdays.  The first thought I had when I woke up was that Mom would be calling me soon to wish me a Happy Birthday.  She usually called about 8:00 am on my birthday.  Then I remembered that she wouldn’t be calling today.  So, so hard.

I miss her so, so, so much!  I never thought it would be this hard.  I knew, of course, that it would be hard, but this is at times almost unbearable.  I would love to talk with her one more time, have one more conversation, tell her one more time, I love her!

But, I think she knows that in heaven.


Sometimes when I can’t sleep (like tonight), I lie there and random thoughts go through my head.  Maybe something that happened that day, a financial problem, worry, any number of things.  If I let myself dwell on some of these thoughts, I can turn a simple problem into a mountain by letting my mind turn it into something I is not.

In the dark in the middle of the night, everything seems worse, at least to me, and by the time morning comes I’ve worked myself up to a huge problem that is no really there at all.  Daylight comes and I wonder why I thought it was so bad as it looks different in the light.

It is like I hear Jesus asking me, “Why are you worrying about that?  Don’t you think I know about it already?  Why are you making up things that are not in my plan?”

Then I hear Him say: Sharon, why are you worrying about tomorrow?  Tomorrow has its own issues that are coming so don’t dwell on what hasn’t happened yet.  When that comes I will be there.  One step at a time, my child!

Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.  Matthew 6:34

I wish I could say I always listen, but, unfortunately I do not and that usually gets me in trouble.

Then I hear Him say “tell me all your problems, I love you”.

Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.  I Peter 5:7

I looked “worry” up in the dictionary.  It means to think about problems or fears : to feel or show fear and concern because you think that something bad has happened or could happen

a feeling of concern about something bad that might happen : the state or condition of worrying about something

A few things I need to remember:

  • When I worry or become anxious, that is really a lack of trust in God. He has something planned for my life.
  • We are running a race and worry and anxious thoughts can sideline us. We need to keep our eyes fixed on JESUS!  Strive to replace anxiousness with peace.


Philippians 4:6-7 says:  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”

  • PRAY! Replace worry with prayer.  Paul tells us not to be anxious about anything but Pray!  Much of the time, worry is caused by fear, fear of the unknown, fears that much of the time we make up ourselves.


Some other great verses:

Psalm 56:3:  When I am afraid I put my trust in You.

Isaiah 41:10:  fear not, for I am with you;  be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

2 Timothy 1:7:  For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

James 1:9:  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Psalm 34:18:  The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

Proverbs 12:25:  Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.


So, I need to:

  • Work toward realizing that I need to trust God with my worries, He has this.
  • Consciously PRAY when I feel worry or anxiety creeping up on me.
  • Remember I am running a race and to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus
  • Remember we are told in God’s word not to fear.
  • Remember that much of the time, things look better in the morning when the light of days dawns.

Do What He Says

This morning in one of my devotions it was talking about the wedding in Cana where Jesus performed His first miracle, turning the water into wine.

The wine had ran out and Mary had told Jesus.  Jesus told the servants to fill the water pots to the brim with water.  Not grapes but just plain water.  By filling them to the brim, it left no way to add grapes or anything else.  They did this and the water became wine.

In John 2:5 Mary told the servants “do what He says” (and they did).  We are called to the same type of obedience.  When the servants did what Jesus said was when the miracle occurred, not before.  In the same way we have to obey and “do what He says” to see the miracle.

I know at times I try to rationalize what He wants me to do trying to make sense of how it will all work out.  If I would just “do it”, the miracle would occur, not because I am thinking about it.  Jesus wants our obedience, total obedience, not just our intended obedience.

What a lesson to be learned.  just do what Jesus says and it may not be easy or without struggle, but it will be what is in His will.




Sometimes we need to have a refocusing of why we are doing things and put things back into perspective.  I have had a bad attitude about something for a couple of days (well maybe a bit more than a couple of days).

Oh, I didn’t let it come through to the outside and no one knew what my attitude was, only me and God.  But through a devotional a friend wrote on Facebook, I realized that I am not here to get recognition for anything.  I am here to serve God in whatever capacity I can.  If I get recognition, great!  If not, that is great too!  God is the one who gets all the thanks!

My why is for the Lord and for the people I am serving.  I must remember Colossians 3:23 where it says:  “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

Everything I do is for God and not for man and I need to keep reminding myself of that fact and everything I do I must to joyfully and to honor and glorify God.



Good Friday, 12/14/17

As I sit here and contemplate Good Friday, I have to think, what is Good about Good Friday?  The Savior of the world was crucified on a cruel cross in a horrendous way.  He was beaten and tortured.  But I have to remember that it is because of Good Friday that we can celebrate Easter Sunday and Jesus’ resurrection.  So that is what makes it a Good Friday.

I cannot imagine what my Jesus went through on that day in AD33.  Thursday night He had the Last Supper with His disciples who had been with Him for 3 years.  They did not have a clue what was going to happen.  They thought that Jesus had come to be their King, right then and there and overthrow Rome.  But it was bigger than Rome, the enemy was much, much bigger than Rome.  It was Satan himself.

At the end, after Jesus said “It is finished!” and died, the ground shook and the veil was rent in two indicating that we could go directly to Jesus, our High Priest!

To have been at the supper where Jesus told them one of them would betray Him and all of them wondering if it was them.  Where He told Peter that he would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed.  Where He washed the disciples’ feet.

Then to go to the Garden to Gethsemene where the soldiers would come and arrest Him and his night of torture would physically begin.  His mental torture had already started in the Garden where He sweat as it were drops of  blood asking that if it be God’s Will that his cup pass from Him.  It was not God’s will and He knew that.

Peter did deny Him three times even though he had said he would never deny Jesus.  It makes me aware that all of us have it in us to deny Jesus.  After all, this was PETER!  I love Peter though.  He seems more human and like us makes mistakes and bumbles through things, but became the leader of the New Testament Church.

They would take Him to be tried first by Caiaphas and eventually by Pilot and on Friday He was nailed to a wooden cross and died for our sins.  A lot of people think that was the end of the story, but it was only the beginning.

Satan thought he had defeated Jesus and that it was over, but that was not to be.  Jesus went to the pits of hell for us and paid for every sin we would ever commit.  Then, He would arise from the grave victorious!  They went to great lengths to insure it did not happen, guards being placed at the tomb, Roman and Temple guards.

But I have to also thing about Saturday.  It was the day between the crucifixion and the resurrection.  Jesus was in the grave, the disciples were hiding for fear the soldiers would come and take them away.  They thought it was over because their leader was dead.  Not much happened that Saturday since it was the Jewish Sabbath and Passover as the laws still were followed and work was not to be on Saturday.  At least, not much that we can see.  What we can’t see if Jesus paying the price on that Silent Saturday.  But Sunday was coming!

On Sunday the stone was rolled away and Jesus walked out of that tomb!  Thank You Jesus!  He appeared to the disciples (all except Thomas).  When they told Thomas, he said he would not believe it until he saw the nail prints in his hands and feet and the spear scar in His side.

Ant it was then that Peter started becoming what Jesus had said he would be all along, the leader of the Church!  Was it easy?  NO!!!  All of the disciples except John were tortured and suffered horrible persecution and death.  Supposedly Peter refused to be crucified upright, but wanted to be crucified upside down as he was not fit to be crucified as his Lord.

John was not crucified but suffered on the Isle of Patmos but he was given the book of Revelation which was our hope and instruction manual for the future.  Most of what Revelation says we will not be here for, but we need to know so we can warn people and try to get as many as possible to come to Jesus.

As I go into “Silent Saturday” I want to really think about Easter as I never have before!  Thank You Jesus!


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